Wednesday, December 17, 2008


My mom was just here for a visit - it was wonderful to have her here. She really helped with poopster and it was great to see her with him. Hubby and I went out (first time leaving poopster) to my company holiday party. It was nice to get out and we are looking forward to establishing some kind of date night in the near future.
Poopster is 6 months old today. I can't believe how time flies. It feels like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital; a tiny 6lb 1oz when we left, he's now a healthy 15lbs. I love watching him grow, learn and experience new things. He's still rolling like crazy, laughing, and is very interested in the world around him. Everything catches his eye and he finds the funniest things amusing/interesting. When we rock in the living room and I hold him on the right side he stares up at the ceiling and just smiles. Every time. The ceiling is blank so we aren't sure what's making him smile but something is. It's like he has a secret picture that only he can see when he looks up there.
I love his smile. Not only is it the sweetest image on the face of the planet (who could resist that gummy smile???) but it means he's happy and that melts my heart. In general he's a pretty happy little guy, and hubby and I love to think that he's happy with us as parents... I guess we won't really know the answer to that one until he's a teenager :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Santa Baby...

Sorry for my prolonged absence from the blog. It's been extremely hectic at work as the transition is taking quite a bit longer than I had initially anticipted. I'm still doing at least two jobs, and don't really see a light at the end of the tunnel anytime soon. I'm excited about the new opportunities, and as soon as I have time to relax a bit, may even be able to do some work trips to Alaska, Hawaii and Guam (crossing fingers...).

We moved as well... about a month ago and are now trying to settle into a house much much closer to work. Once we made the decision that PB would stay home with the little guy we decided it was time to cut my commute time - it's now under 15 minutes in rush hour!
We started solids, oatmeal speccifically, the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Buster loved it! He knew exactly what to do immediately and was quickly leaning in to reach the spoon, trying to grab the spoon out of my hand, and crying when he finished all the oatmeal! I am still amazed everyday by my beautiful boy. We've successfully introduced carrots (last week) and tonight proceeded to sweet potatoes. He wasn't a big fan of the carrots initially, but I think he's come around. He liked the sweet potatoes pretty well right off the bat. I can't believe how much fun each new thing is.

Buster is rolling over consistently whenever we put him on his back - it's right to grabbing the feet, rolling on the side, and moving onto the belly... he's also putting everything in his mouth and is ready for his teeth to cut through the gums... as are mommy and daddy :) although I still can't get over his gummy smile - which I now get whenever I walk in the door after work. It's the best thing in the whole world and melts my heart everytime.

This week my building at work had a holiday party with a very realistic looking Santa. Buster was fascinated by Santa. He didn't cry and could not stop looking at Santa - I wasn't sure if it was the beard (which he grabbed), the hat or the big red suit, but he was in a trance... we are really looking forward to Christmas this year with our little guy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So, it's official - last week I was offered a promotion at work; a nice jump that takes me at least two levels higher than I am now... so this re-org is working out in my favor. The final details have yet to be ironed out, but it means that Chris will be a stay-at-home daddy and I will stay at work. For now. While I know this is the right decision for our family financially, it's one that weighs on my heart. PB is a great dad, and baby boy isn't in daycare which is the most important thing to me, but it is still hard to not be the one home with Colin each day. It's been a rough time being back at work - pumping, stressing, not getting as much quality time with my little guy as I was when on maternity leave... It's still for the best. I should know soon about the salary increase that comes along with this promotion, and it will allow me to get the global certification I want. It will also give hubby time to go back and get his master's, so that when we are ready for baby #2, he'll have the master's and I can stay at home with both kiddos while he goes back to work. Sigh. I'm actually really excited about the work opportunities but I can't help but feel sad about the timing.

We don't have all the answers so we're just taking it one day at a time. I'm so thankful for both of the boys in my life - they make everything worth it.

Monday, October 6, 2008


It's fall here. I'm really not sure when that happened, but the seasons have changed and summer passed me by. Perhaps I was just too busy spending time with Colin, but I'm really shocked that so much time has passed. How is he almost four months old? I can't believe that it's October... and that we're thinking about Halloween. How cute is our little monkey??? I haven't found one that quite fits him yet, so even though this one is 12 - 18 mos I couldn't pass it up.

To try to get out and enjoy the beautiful Colorado colors we took a drive this weekend. We originally headed up to the Estes Park area, but soon realized we'd become one of the dreaded "leafers" and quickly turned back. We ended up at Lion Gulch Trailhead and had a wonderful time hiking and enjoying the fall colors and crisp air.

Friday, October 3, 2008

My beautiful boy

I haven't posted in a while, mainly because I am swamped at work and when I'm not at work I want to spend 100% of my time with my beautiful boy... I am so lucky that my husband is a phenomenal dad and that while I'm at work he is the one at home with our little one. They come to visit me at work and we have lunch at a park nearby - it's the highlight of my week and I love being able to relax at lunch with my baby. I still can't believe how big he's getting! He's now in size 2 diapers, loves to suck on his hands, talks and coos whenever he gets the opportunity and is so happy the majority of the time. His gummy smile melts my heart.

I love to see the change in my husband as well. Being the primary caregiver during the weekdays has given him a new confidence with Colin. I know it's semi-unsual for dads to be the stay at home parent, and I know how lucky we all are that they are getting this incredible bonding time.

Work is going through a global reorganization in the coming year - and our department is already starting the process. If I didn't know that my tiny department is already extremely overworked and overwhelmed I would be worried. Instead, I'm actually excited about the new possibilities that this re-org brings. While I would love to be the stay at home parent full time, if I get promoted and make enough for Chris to stay at home then it's the sensible thing for our family if I'm the one that works full-time. Anyway, it's still a bit earlier to talk about as nothing has been announced yet. However, the rumor-mill is going full strength and if they hold a minute aount of truth to them, my department is going to go through a major over-haul, my boss will be shifting to a new area and it could get interesting. I'll keep you posted...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Visiting family and back to work

last week we took a trip to AZ to visit my family and show off baby boy to everyone. It was a nice trip, though it was EXTREMELY hot! Luckily the A/C decided to wait until the night we left to completely break down. While I'm terribly sorry for my mom I'm thankful that it stayed working for our visit for baby boy's sake...

After we returned home it was time to get ready for my return to work :(. FMLA time was up, and hubby's had started. He's now at home with the little one, and while I'm totally jealous because he's where I want to be, I'm so glad that they have this bonding time and frankly, I'm thankful that my husband actually WANTED to stay home with him. A girl I work with told me she can hardly get her husband to change a diaper. I feel sorry for her because to me, that sounds like she's a single mom - not in a partnership...

My first day back I cried the whole way to work, talked about Colin all day long, posted pics all over my desk etc. Absolutely no work was completely during that time. I'm slooooowly transitioning to do some actual work, since I have reviewed the 1313 emails that were sitting in my inbox - eek!! It's getting easier in the sense that I'm getting numb - I still cry, and it's still really hard to leave him in the morning. But, I'm thankful that he's not in daycare and that he's home with daddy, and I know they are getting such an incredible experience right now. That gets me through the day. Although I do count down the minutes until I get home to my boys.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Update

We were a little nervous about taking Colin on an 11+ hour car ride to Tulsa this past weekend but it went pretty well. We had a few bumps in the road at the beginning, but quickly figure out how to make it work. After spending two hours reaching into the carseat in the back, we stopped, nursed and I moved to the backseat to be next to Colin. That seemed to work pretty well. I was also glad to have brought the battery-operated pump because I was able to pump and feed him from a bottle which made things super easy. We headed out after Chris got off work on Friday and made it just past Salina before we got a hotel. Baby boy had been put in jammies when we stopped for dinner in Hays and had fallen right asleep. It was the first time he had really slept since we had gotten in the car that afternoon, so needless to say he didn't even open his eyes when I changed his diaper in the hotel! Poor thing was pooped. The next morning we didn't rush and headed out to Stillwater to stay with Chris' old college roommate. His little girl will be one this month and she's just a cutie. The first thing she did was come over and give Colin a kiss :) I think he's got his first girlfriend.

The next day we headed to Chris' mom's house and had lunch with the family. Colin got pretty fussy and I think it was mainly because he's used to mom 24/7 and not used to being passed around and generally having so much going on. We took a long nap and he felt better. On Monday we went to the cabin his aunt and uncle have on the lake and hung out with his dad's side of the family. Spent the night up there and headed home on Tuesday. It was a great trip...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

On Saturday we needed to get out of the house, so we got in the car and started driving...usually doesn't lead us anywhere interesting, but this time we headed to the Denver Zoo. We figured we'd just walk around and head home when it got too hot but luckily about 30 minutes into it we got incredible cloud cover and a nice breeze so we hung out for quite some time, showing Colin all the animals and having a great time together. Some pics...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

2 month Pedi appointment and shots :(

So, last Wednesday the 20th we had our two month appointment with the pedi. Colin did great - he's 24 1/4 in long and weighs 11 lbs 5 oz - He's exactly five pounds higher than his birth weight!! He was 90th percentile for height, 50th for weight, and 40th for head size. I swear he's going to tower over me when he hits junior high!

We also had the two month shots, and after reading Dr. Sears' The Vaccine Book and talking to our pedi we have decided to delay a few of the vaccines. Didn't want to overload his poor little body with too much when it wasn't necessarily the right time for a vaccine. So, that being said, he got 3 shots and one oral vaccine. He hated the shots and cried (so did mommy) and was so happy when they were done. He got pretty sleepy afterwards and we gave him some baby tylenol to help.

Unfortunately I had forgotten all about the appointment when I scheduled our family photo shoot with Sara, so she came over and he was just too fussy. We tried, but when we got to the park Colin wouldn't/couldn't stop rying/screaming so we postponed it. Will most likely reschedule the shoot for after the holiday weekend.

Monday, August 11, 2008

getting bigger everyday...

I can't believe how much Colin is growing everyday. He wore his last newborn pampers swaddler yesterday - we're now on to size one's. I hate to admit it but I got teary-eyed when I realized my baby boy is growing up.

He's also just found his hand and will suck on the whole hand if a binky isn't available... I haven't been able to catch a picture of him doing that yet though, so instead - look at how cute he is in the bath...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pics of the wrap :)

Baby wearing

I am a huge believer in baby wearing. After reading about all the benefits of baby wearing while I was pregnant, I researched different slings and wraps, and decided I like the hotsling. So, I searched on ebay and got a smoking deal on a super cute one; I think I spent about $10 (which al came from doing online surveys - so it was basically free!). Once Colin arrived, we quickly discovered it didn't work. He was too long, or just didn't fit right in it so I put it away, figuring I'd sell it, and just resigned myself to holding and carrying him. He was so small it didn't really matter at that point.

When he was about a month old we took him to our Bradley instructor's house to show him off and share our birth story. She is a big supporter of baby wearing and told me she really liked the maya wrap with her two little ones. So, off to craigslist I went and found one there for a good deal... which he again hated. I realized that both of these used the cradle carry, and I guess he either didn't like it or didn't feel comfortable.

A little sad that I spent $40 on two carries that he didn't like, we used the snugli for a walk. He loved the way that one held him. I didn't want to use a snugli as our main method of carrying him since I've heard various arguments from the medical field that it's not good for their development and bone structure. But, I wanted to find something that mimicked it - preferrably one I could make.

Tada! Here is what I found - used a 40% off coupon to Hobby Lobby yesterday and bought 5 yards of white cotton jersey knit (makes three wraps) and cut it this morning. He LOVES IT! Finally found an awesome solution. Will post pics of him in it later...

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Colin loves to sleep on me. I've written about that before, and how we didn't plan to co-sleep but kinda feel into it when we decided that getting sleep was more important than sticking to a plan we made before he actually arrived. It worked well, though at the beginning "sleep" mainly consisted of Colin sleeping on my chest. The first night in the hospital he was so pooped out he slept all night, not a peep out of him. The nurse came in around 4 to wake us up for his feeding (he had eated around midnight the night before) but we couldn't wake him up... extremely nervewracking and I realized then and there that a super quiet baby at night wasn't necessarily a good thing. After quite some time trying to wake him up it was decided that we'd take him to the nursery - ugh. I got ready to fight the nurses on the formula issue. Chris went with him immediately, I stayed for just a minute or two to tend to a few things, then met up with them in the nursery. Luckily, his glucose levels were great, which meant that I wouldn't have to fight the formula battle just yet. Turns out his core temp had dropped to about 97, which is very low for a newborn, and he was sleeping because he had to - no energy to be awake. The neonatal nurse wanted to keep him in the warmer for a few hours to bring his temp back up and promised he wouldn't get any formula, and that she would bring him back to us when he was better. With that, Chris and I headed back to our room to get some sleep.

The next night was much better. He acted like what I would expect a newborn to act like, but Chris and I decided to bring him to our bed. It was too hard for me to get in and out of the bed to get him when he cried, and honestly, we couldn' t take our eyes off him. That's how the co-sleeping started. He slept so much better when he was with us.

Our first night home from the hospital we learned that our beautiful plan didn't work so well. He fussed the entire time, and I finally went to the living room recliner and pseudo-slept with him on my chest all night. There was really no need for both of us to be completely sleep deprived, and Colin wasn't leaving my arms yet.

Luckily we discovered the miracle blanket somewhere around week 3 or 4 and ever since then he's only woken up once at night. Granted, he is an earlier riser (somewhere between 4:30 and 6am no matter what time he goes down for the night) but we've learned to adjust our schedules and to find nap time for us. Weekends are much easier to find time for a nap...

Right now Colin is asleep on my legs - and that's pretty much par for the course on naps - he really doesn't sleep well during the day unless he's napping on mom or dad (preferably mom). So, I have figured out how to do many things while he's napping on, clip coupons, catch up on emails, pay bills get the drill. And while sometimes I think how great it would be if he napped in his crib so I could cook, clean, do laundry, use the bathroom etc... I know it won't be forever, and there will be a time that he won't want to nap on me and I'll long for this time. So for now, I'm just going to enjoy it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Catching up...

Dear Colin,

Wow, so much has happened in the last week. I suppose I need to start getting used to that - you growing up and getting big and everything changing daily it seems. You really are getting to be such a big boy! At your doctor's appointment on Friday we learned you are 8lbs 14ozs - I cannnot believe you are almost 9lbs - you gained almost two whole pounds in about three weeks! You still love to eat :). You are also 22 1/2 inches long, so you've grown two inches since you were born. Daddy joked with the nurse who was measuring you and asked when they stopped referring to it as length and started referring to it as height... I guess we still have some time on that one.

You also had your one month "birthday". You looked so cute...see??

Also, yesterday when we were doing some "tummy time" (which you generally love) you decided it was the perfect time to roll over - from your belly to your back, amazing both mommy and daddy who were right there to see it happen for the first time ever! You then proceeded to do it several more times, as if to prove to us that it wasn't a fluke, that you knew exactly what you were doing and didn't care that all the baby books said you weren't supposed to be doing that for another month or so at least.

This is you right after rolling over from your belly:

And, to prove that your favorite place to sleep is on mommy, here's a cute picture of one of your recent naps - I have no idea how you can sleep like that, but you stayed there for over an hour...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dear Colin,

Today you are 4 weeks old. I can't believe how quickly time is flying by! You really are getting big every day, and we can't wait to see how much you've grown when we take you to your doctor's appointment on Friday.

This weekend daddy took us up Flagstaff Mountain, and you really enjoyed being outside. It's been really hot this summer, so we thought a drive up into the mountains would be a good way to beat the heat. You slept pretty much the entire time, but we got some good pictures of you!

Lately you've been fighting naps - which means you get really tired during the day, and can only sleep when you are laying on mommy or daddy... it's your favorite thing. You slept really well last night - you generally do. We have our good days and our bad days. You are still sleeping in our bed - you just don't seem ready for your crib's so big and you are still so small. I secretly love it so I'm not in any real hurry to move you to your own bed yet.

You helped me make daddy's birthday cake yesterday when you woke up from your nap - we had fun helping dad celebrate, and you thought the best way to make it a memorable birthday for dad would be to cry throughout our lunch out! You were simply tired and again - fighting a nap. I think (hope) it's just a phase you'll grow out of.
You finally liked hanging out in your swing this morning - you were there for about 20 minutes, which let mommy get some breakfast :) Yay!

Mommy and Daddy are thinking about moving to Tulsa, where daddy's family lives - so right now we are planning that out, looking for a house for you and for jobs. We really want you to have everything, and to grow up around family, so this seems to be the best option. We are really excited about this new prospect, especially since you'll have a cousin so close to you in age.

I love you honey - you are such an amazing little guy and I can't imagine what my life was like without you in it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dear Colin,

You are two weeks old today. I can't believe how time flies. We've already taken you to your first doctor's appointment (June 23rd) where we learned you weighed 7 pounds! This was pretty incredible considering when we left the hospital you had dropped to 6 pounds 1 ounce. You also lost your belly button stump on June 25th and your circumcision ring on June 29th. Today daddy and I took you back to the hospital for the follow up blood work that needed to be done.

In the two weeks since you were born I've learned so many things about you, and about being a mom.
  • I've learned that not even those all-nighters in college could have prepared me for the broken sleep I'm now getting!
  • You make the craziest facial expressions - so many different ones I wish I could catch them all on film.
  • You have the greatest smile, something you do often.
  • You don't cry much, but you do make a lot of different noises. Daddy and I have nicknames for you based on a few of your noises (pteradactyl and Beeker the squeeker to name a few)
  • Some of your other nicknames are: Buster, Buster Brown, Sweet Pea, Little Guy, Butt-face (when you're sleepy), Poopster, Poopybutt, Tootness, Poopy pants and Monkey.
  • I also call you my little piggy because you snort and root around when you are hungry and frustrated.
  • You a a very mellow, relaxed baby.
  • You love to be held, and especially to be bounced by daddy (bounce with me, bounce with me)
  • You generally sleep for two hours and wake up very excited to eat - I think it's your favorite thing to do so far :) Which could explain the weight gain at your first doctor's appointment.
  • You've already met one gramma and will get to meet the other one this weekend.
  • You have loud and stinky farts and poop.
  • You love to be outside.
  • You are very alert and look all around you, taking everything in.
  • Daddy and I could spend hours staring at you.
  • You headbutt things and flail your arms and legs around, but you are a very strong little boy who can lift his head, already tries to crawl during tummy time, and can roll over from side to side all on your own.
  • You prefer to sleep on your side rather than your back.
  • You prefer to sleep on our bed rather than in your crib.
  • You prefer to sleep on mommy or daddy's chest rather than in our bed.
  • You are still the most perfect, beautiful baby in the entire world. Your dad and I are amazed everyday at how lucky and blessed we are to have you in our lives.
  • I love you more and more every day little one.

love, mama

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Colin Daniel - A Birth Story

I went to work on Monday, June 16th as normal. I had woken up that morning to get ready for work and had some bloody discharge around 6:40am. I told PB about it, and said that it could be nothing, but it could also be the "bloody show" that we had heard about, which meant that labor could be starting. I definitely felt contractions, but after our false alarm a week and a half ago, we decided not to start timing them until they got difficult. That afternoon got the best of me and I logged onto and started timing the contractions. I kept getting interrupted, but determined they were averaging 5-8 minutes apart. They didn't hurt yet, just made me feel out of breath, so I ignored them, finished up the day and tried not to think about it. On my way out of work, I went to my boss's office and showed her the work for the next day's training. I remember telling her, "in case I'm not here tomorrow, here's all the training materials I've been working on...". Little did I know that I wouldn't be in the next day - it was more of a joke...

That night PB and I went for our ritual walk around the nearby park - I was convinced if I walked enough I could walk this baby right out. When we got home, I realized I was exhausted, and fell asleep for a few hours. PB woke me up for dinner, which we ate around 9pm or so, and we hit the bed shortly after that...I was still pretty tired.

I woke up a few times to pee in the middle of the night, and around 4am or so I realized that I was covered in sweat. Didn't think too much of it, just did my thing and went back to bed. When I woke up again, it was about 5am or so. I was definitely still having contractions, but it was too early to wake up PB, and they weren't too bad - at this point I realized I wasn't a great judge of what were "real" contractions and what weren't. I figured there was no point in waking him up until I knew for sure, or it was time to get ready for work. So, I timed the contractions until 6:15am when the alarm went off, and then woke PB to tell him I was still having them. He snoozed as usual until about 6:35am or so, and then asked if I wanted to go to work that day. They were still not so bad that I didn't know if this was "it" or not, but realized I just wanted the day off. So I told him I wouldn't go in, and he decided to stay home as well. We both called in to work, and then PB went back to sleep. (He later told me his rational was that if this was "it" he'd need all the energy and sleep he could bank now). I got up and took a shower, having decided that it would feel fantastic and if we were going to the hospital later I'd at least be clean. I ate some breakfast in bed and watched tv while PB slept. Around 9 or 9:30 we both got up for a shower (my second of the day) - still felt great.

Right about that time they started getting a little tougher, and I'd just slowly count to ten, breathing deeply with each count, to get through the peak of the contraction. It went this way for a while, I layed in bed, totally focused on the contractions that were getting increasingly difficult, while PB cleaned up the house - dishes, laundry, general picking up... At one point we tried to play cribbage out on the porch, and that's when I talked to my mom, to tell her what was going on... I had to stop during each contraction, and PB would shuffle for me. I asked him during the game if he thought we were going to have a baby today, and he said probably, but he still wasn't sure. I asked him to give me a time he thought the BT would be born if he was born today, and PB guessed 11:11pm. We didn't finish the game. They were getting tougher and I decided I needed to just lay back down in bed and focus.

We were aiming to make our regular 39 week doctor's appointment that afternoon at 4:45pm, so we didn't have to go through the experience of being turned away from the hospital again. Well, around 1:30pm PB realized that he needed to call the doc - the tractors (contractions) had been consistently 5 minutes apart for a few hours. I still didn't realize what was going on, I was just focusing on each tractor as it happened. They told him to bring me in to the office right away, so he finished getting our bags together, loaded up the car with the boppy, body pillow, diaper bag, hosiptal bag and food that we wanted to bring to the hospital, and came back for me. It took a few tries for me to make it, I had to go to the bathroom, and I couldn't really walk during a contraction. But, we eventually made it into the car and we were off to the doctor's office - about a 20-25 minute ride away - depending on traffic. Contractions didn't stop or change in the car, and halfway there I told PB that no matter what the Doc said, we were going to the hospital, cause I couldn't make that car ride again.

When we got to the doctor's office we had a few minute wait, which was fine since I had to go to the bathroom again. Jaime, the tech/assistant we'd had our whole pregnancy, was ready with the doppler etc, but considering I was still having contractions, we skipped both. She said she could tell I was in pain, and we didn't need to do it. So I got undressed and waited for my doc to come in and check me. I was terrified she'd tell me that I was only 3 or 4 cm dilated. When she got in the room it was hard because I had to lay flat on my back - not a good position for laboring in!

She began the internal exam, which hurt, definitely more than what was uncomfortable before. All of a sudden we heard, "you're 7 cm dilated, 100% effaced, bulging bag of waters and the baby's head is at +1 station. You need to go to the hospital right away". As soon as I heard that I got tears in my eyes - it FINALLY hit me that this was it, that these contractions were real and that we were going to have a baby. I was so scared she was going to tell me that I was still at 2+ cm dilated and that I hadn't made any progress. The doc left the room, and as soon as I sat up from the examining table my water broke - what a weird feeling - it was this warm gush of water, and it made it that much more real in my head.

We hurried out to the car and I was able to call my mom on during the very short drive over to the hospital to tell her the news. It was 2:40. When we pulled up to the valet parking, PB grabbed all the bags and pillows and we headed inside. Once inside the lobby PB realized that we didn't grab the camera from the car - so he ran back out to grab it rather than going back down for it later. We took the elevator to the second floor, and got buzzed in to The Birthplace. This time I was in triage for less than 5 minutes - all they wanted to do was get my weight - and then we were off to room 2006.

We met Claire, our nurse once inside, and she gave me a gown and said that since my water broke after being examined, she was going to have to do another internal. Another contraction hit before I could change, so I leaned over the bed and breathed through it. She asked what type of pain management we wanted to use, and I said, "nothing". She replied, "great, I'll do my best to help you" and I felt much better. I got changed into the gown and on the bed for the internal. I was a bit shocked to find out that less than 15 minutes after the last exam that I was already at 8 cm - this was going to be fast!

Claire got the monitors hooked up to me, and put in the hep-lock. Everything was a bit of a blur. It was so hot in the room so PB kept blowing on my face - that helped. The contractions were so hard now that the water had broken. At some point Claire tried to get me to lay on my side, but the back of the bed was raised, which made it extremely uncomfortable, so I just tried to do my best. The contractions were now starting to come on top of each other - I don't remember getting a break at all. The baby was having some complications during the contractions, so Claire gave PB an oxygen mask to put over my mouth at the peak of the contraction - it seemed to help some.

The next thing I knew my doctor was in the room, my bed was raised and the doc asked me if I was ready to push. Ummmmm, no. Not yet. And that's exactly what I told her. I honestly didn't feel the need to push yet - and everything I'd learned in my Bradley classes told me that you push when it hurts not to push. I was certainly not at that point yet. My doc decided otherwise and told me we had to get the baby out now. There had been meconium in the water, so they were anxious to get him out as soon as possible. They lost the baby's heartbeat on the monitors, and kept moving those around to try to find it but could only pick up mine. It was time to get the baby out.

My feet were put up in the stirrups, PB on my right side and Claire on the left, to help me hold my legs back in the semi-squatting position. The doc told me to wait until the contractions were at the peak to push, and then she counted to ten for me. The first few pushes were very ineffective as I still wasn't at the point of feeling the need to push. About the third contraction though I got the hang of it. I was holding my knees back, holding my breath for the ten seconds while pushing, getting another breath and doing it all over again.

Finally someone said they could see the head, and that he had blonde hair. A nurse asked if we had a camera, so PB gave it to her. The memory card wasn't in it, but somewhere in the camera bag - PB was searching for it, but couldn't find it. I was trying to explain to him where it was, but another contraction was coming on, and I told him to leave it, that I needed him with me. After that one passed, he got the card, gave it to the nurse, and she somehow got it properly installed. She asked if I cared what she took pictures of and I said no, she could take pictures of anything and everything.

They asked if I wanted a mirror to see the head, and I said no, only because I had to keep my eyes shut in order to concentrate. I did reach down and feel the head though, which was pretty wild. PB was still blowing on my face and kept telling me I could do it, that I was doing great. I'm sure there were other people talking to me, but I only heard him.

Finally, the head was beginning to crown. My legs were shaking and I felt that I couldn't push any more. My doc told me one last push, that he had to come out now. So I gave it everything I had, and I finally felt his head come out. A quick pull from my doc and the rest of the body was delivered as well. I didn't want it to happen like that, but I also didn't realize how concerned they were with the baby. The doc told us she was cutting the cord because she needed to get him to the nursery nurses right away. She did show him to us, and PB and I looked at each other, both of us with tears in our eyes, and kissed.

PB went with the baby, who was very white and very small, and I had to focus on delivering the placenta. My hep-lock had been put in to give me pitocin to help deliver the placenta, but it fell out when Claire tried to flush it with water. It didn't matter because the placenta delivered spontaneously within 5 minutes or so. My doc then told me I had 2 first degree tears and quite a few papercut-type tears. She stitched up the two larger ones and then I got to focus on my baby.

He still hadn't cried, so the nurses were running all the bloodwork and tests they needed to do. PB was with him the whole time. Finally, I got to hear my baby cry for the first time. It was such a beautiful sound! They gave him to me to breastfeed, and then took him again to weigh him etc.

We had checked into the hospital at 3:07pm and Colin Daniel arrived at 4:03pm - less than one hour later.

4:03pm 6/17/08

6 pounds, 5 ounces

20 1/2 inches long

13 3/4 inch head diameter

Happy Birthday little one. We love you.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Week 39

How your baby's growing:Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.See what your baby looks like this week.Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.
How your life's changing:At each of your now-weekly visits, your caregiver will do an abdominal exam to check your baby's growth and position. She might also do an internal exam to see whether your cervix has started ripening: softening, effacing (thinning out), and dilating (opening). But even armed with this information, there's still no way for your caregiver to predict exactly when your baby is coming. If you go past your due date, your caregiver will schedule you for fetal testing (usually a sonogram) after 40 weeks to ensure that it's safe to continue the pregnancy. If you don't go into labor on your own, most practitioners will induce labor when you're between one and two weeks overdue — or sooner if there's an indication that the risk of waiting is greater than the risks of delivering your baby without further delay.While you're waiting, it's important to continue to pay attention to your baby's movements and let your caregiver know right away if they seem to decrease. Your baby should remain active right up to delivery, and a noticeable slowdown in activity could be a sign of a problem. Also call if you think your water may have broken. Membranes rupture before the beginning of labor in about 8 percent of term pregnancies. Sometimes there's a big gush of fluid, but sometimes there's only a small gush or a slow leak. (Don't try to make the diagnosis yourself. Call even if you only suspect you have a leak.) If you rupture your membranes and don't start contractions on your own, you'll be induced.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Still no baby...

I swore I wouldn't be one of those women who were sent home from the hospital because they weren't truly in labor... it was too early etc. Well, Friday night we were sent home from the hospital. I had been in a long meeting on Thursday, and had timed my contractions - they were anywhere from 6 - 10 minutes apart. So, I headed home, called PB to let him know. I hadn't been feeling like myself since that morning... was very dizzy, not quite right. PB met me at home and we started timing the contractions... getting a little closer, and when we walked in the park they were much much closer... but each time I sat down, slowed down, took a shower etc - they slowed back down. Went to sleep that night early and woke up Friday to walk some more. We were pretty sure that it would happen that weekend - and hey 06/07/08 is a pretty cool birthday - one my mom even said she'd be able to remember :)

We walked and walked, hung out, got excited, finished packing our bags etc. We had our interview with the pediatrician that afternoon, so we headed into town early to have lunch, hang out (also got an oil change) and went to the appointment. Really liked the doc - and got some questions answered which was nice. The clinic is across the street from the hospital, and the disc golf course where PB plays is right behind it. So, he played and I walked and walked and walked. Probably 4+ miles, and I swear my feet felt like they were going to fall off. But, on the bright side - contractions were about 2 minutes apart. Even when I slowed down, sat down or stopped walking, they were less than 4 minutes apart. And some of them were lasting well over 12 minute long - many of they were lasting 3 - 4 minutes (they ones that had more time in between). So we grabbed some food - hung out at a friends house until we were sure they didn't change in consistency.. and headed to the hospital. Didn't bring anything up, and PB was very sweet to tell me that no matter what happened it was all good - I'm so glad he said that, cause when we got to the maternity ward, they hooked me up to the monitors and yes, I was having contractions, however I was no more dilated than I was before, and even though I was now 75% effaced, the contractions, while coming quickly, were not strong enough to make me progress.

I was so dissapointed. I was sure it was it. It's not that I don't like being pregnant, because I love it. I'm not uncomfortable (most of the time) and I'm not trying to be impatient, but I had my mind convinced that it was happening, so to change that thought process was kinda difficult. I have processed it now, and we decided to stop timing any contractions, which certainly led to a more relaxed weekend. So, here I am, Monday morning - back at work, no baby (stubborn little guy).

Here are some of the updated photos:

Diaper Bag I made:

Crib Organizer I made:

Wood Block Letters PB and I made:

"I love you to the moon and back" sign PB and I painted:

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Maternity Pictures

Week 38

Your baby has really plumped up. He weighs about 6.8 pounds and he's over 19 1/2 inches long He has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold his hand for the first time! His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If he's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If he's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time he's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after he's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)
How your life's changing: For many women, the next couple of weeks are a waiting game. Use this time to prepare your baby's nursery or to take care of necessary tasks you may not get around to for a while after your baby's born. Take naps, catch up on your reading, and spend uninterrupted time with your partner while you can.Some swelling in your feet and ankles is normal during these last weeks, but call your practitioner without delay if you notice excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles, more than slight swelling of your hands, any swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, or have a sudden weight gain. Also let her know immediately if you have severe or persistent headaches; visual changes (such as double or blurred vision, seeing spots or flashing lights, light sensitivity, or a temporary loss of vision), intense upper abdominal pain or tenderness, or nausea and vomiting. These are symptoms of a serious condition called preeclampsia.