Sunday, March 29, 2009

spring snow

Thursday brought the first real snow storm we've seen this year. I went in to work for about an hour just to grab everything I needed and proceeded to get my butt home! We ended up with 15inches at our house which meant I worked from home Thursday and Friday which was really nice. It was great not having to pump and was just fun overall to be with the hubby and poopster all day - I got to see how they spend their days which was cool.

Saturday and today have been hard - we think the poopy has a soy allergy as well as the milk protein allergy as the last two nights have been no sleep, pained cries, hard stomach and a very unhappy baby who is fighting sleep. So we're pulling back on the soy yogurt and the tofu that he had been getting and we'll see if that works. I just hate to see him in pain :(

Hubby built him a fort today, it's in our living room and poopy loves it! he can crawl around in it and hang out - he just has a ball. I'll get some video of it at some point and hopefully I can figure out how to get the video on the blog...we'll see.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Poop

We have tons of crazy nicknames for the little one - Poopster, the poop, buster; we joke sometimes that if we are overheard by strangers they are going to think we are crazy... either way, he does look at us when he hears any of the nicknames in addition to his name.

He grins like a maniac when he sees me come home from work. It's the absolute greatest feeling in the entire world. He is showing incredible personality and is soooo alert. So many people have said this to us - how he's more alert and focused than any other baby they have seen. Frankly he's been that way since he was born. He is constantly checking out the world around him.

His sleep is still touch and go - I think he's finally starting to teethe although I've been saying that since 4 months and he doesn't have any teeth yet :). I think the trips and lack of continuity in routine has definitely affected him. Although last night he only woke up at 2am to nurse and then again at 6am. After nursing at 6am I thought he was going to be up for the day (it's pretty standard) so I brought him into our bed thinking I'd get another 15-20 minutes if I was lucky. He slept between us for the next 2 hours! I can't remember the last time hubby and I got to sleep in together. It was great - add to that the fact that poopy was absolutely adorable, snuggling in next to each of us to get comfortable, and I was just in heaven.

When I was feeding him his dinner tonight he started to make a funny face so I make a fish face at him. He laughed so I kept doing it, and he started to make his own fishy face! I called hubby in (he was getting ready to go play poker with the guys) and poopy made the face for him too. Of course as soon as we got the camcorder out he just smiled for the camera, but I was glad that hubs got to see it before he left.

All in all it was a fantastic weekend - we all got to relax and hang out. Played mini-golf with friends yesterday, planted my seeds for the spring/summer garden, and just got to have fun together. The naps I got both yesterday and today also helped - my energy lately is just shot. And now I get to chill, make some cookies while poopy sleeps and wait for hubby to get home.

Friday, March 20, 2009


At the last minute I was told I needed to make a trip to one of our offices in CA - to do more layoffs. Not fun. Add to that the fact that I've never left poopster overnight (or even with a babysitter) and the tears started flowing (damn hormones!). Thankfully I was alone at my desk when the waterworks started, otherwise it would have been worse. I called the hubby and at his recommendation I started looking for flights for him and we ended up going out early, making a weekend trip out of it and having a ball!

We got to take poopster to the beach...

He ate some sand...

Played in the pool for the first time...

And just generally had a great time. Yet another reason why I love my husband so much - he made something that could have been so horrible for me into a fantastic weekend with the family.

He's crawling all over the place now - has pretty much given up on the scooting as he found that he moves more quickly when he gets up on his knees. When he gets on tile it's even better - he gets in a downward dog pose (hands and feet) and walks/crawls like that. It's hilarious to watch and I think it's because he doesn't like how the tile feels on his knees. Either way he's adorable.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


So, I've been missing in action for the past few months - It's been hectic with the holidays, the babe's sleeping habits (which are finally getting better!), and all the crazy things going on with my job. So, to recap breifly, we moved the poopster to his own room right after Christmas :(. He actually started sleeping much better pretty much right away which means that PB was right when he said we were probably keeping him awake at night. Sleep has been touch and go but for the most part it's significantly better than it was from months 4-6. He's also now napping in his crib thanks solely to my superhero husband and fab stay-at-home-dad. I can't take any credit for that one.

We had visitors and went to Tulsa for a short weekend. It has been fun but honestly I'm looking forward to being just the three of us again for a while.

We switched to cloth diapering at 7 months and haven't looked back - I love it! It is saving us time and money, and poopster hasn't had any issues. While the initial start up was a couple hundred, we won't have to buy any more diapers - ever. These will last him until he potty-learns. So, we'll definitely be saving money in the next few months.

We've had the mildest winter that I've seen in Colorado in a long time, and I must say I'm pretty thankful. I'm not sure I'm digging the snow and cold much anymore especially now that I'm worried about how warm poopster is when we're out and about.

Speaking of poopster - he's getting bigger and cuter every day (if that's even possible). He is a total ham and loves the camera!!