Thursday, May 17, 2007


I love to run. Can't do it outside due to bad joints, arthritis and an injury (wow, that makes me sound so old) but I love the treadmill. I hop on one at the gym when I can drag my butt there, and 3 miles later I feel like I'm 15 again. I love how alive my body feels after I run. I don't get that same rush from any other cardio workout. There's just something about setting my itunes to the "workout" playlist and running without a care in the world. Sometimes the run is hard, and I really have to push myself to get where I'm trying to go, and other days, the cooldown starts before I even get started. I want to start upping my mileage, but knowing how sporatic my runs have been lately I just don't want to get hurt more. I'm already needing to add a knee brace on the left knee, in addition to the one on the right. I'd love to get my joints in a better place, but maxing them out when I'm working long hours and don't know how often I have the energy to drag my butt to they gym.....

Anyway, I made it last night. Finally. It was one of those tough runs, that makes me hate it. Never want to run again. Too hard. Don't wanna.

Then this morning. My legs reminded me why I do this. They feel alive, and useful and strong again. And all I can think about is getting back there tonight.

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