It was a fantastic weekend - It started out with a grueling 5 hour drive through some of the most breathtaking scenery - this is why I love the Rockies! Had a great surf and turf dinner at a place called The Trough - Chris even took one of the menu's when we left (yes, he had permission!). Saturday was spent fishing Blue Mesa Rez where enough native trout was caught to provide a yummy dinner later that night. Sunday before heading out we hit a really cool mountain-biking area to test that out. I'm a complete noob.... only been out in the mountains on it a handfull of times, but I enjoyed it. My lungs reminded me that I was trying to do all that at 9,000 feet, but my legs enjoyed the ride. I got some good color, not burnt, but a little brown, which is nice. I certainly wasn't worried about showing up red at my job on Monday (where it would not have been looked nicely upon considering the org I work for...)
Overall, my first real trip to the Western Slope, and Gunnison, was noteworthy. Summer is finally feeling like it's here (yes, technically it's spring, but since I'm an AZ girl at heart, there is only one real season- warm = summer in my book :) - it's wonderful).
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