Monday, February 13, 2012

Accepting less than perfect

I have an addition to Pinterest and I'm not afraid to admit it. It's a great way for me to try to organize my thoughts and ambitious desires. I have found so many delicious recipes on there, and am slowly learning so much about cooking more whole foods and cutting the processed junk out of our house. Pinterest is a time sucker, which isn't a surprise to anyone who knows what Pinterest is. I can go on there for a quick sneak peek of a recipe that I want to make, and the next thing I know I'm checking out a board I'm following on quilts and am lost in ambitious dreams of making a full bedroom set for all four of us, and the guest room! It's similar to Thanksgiving day where I end up piling delicious food on my plate without actually having adequate space for it in my stomach. I have so many ideas floating around of what I want to do; crafts, sewing, cooking, baking, reading, gardening, photography, running. I could go on and on.

In garden news we will be ordering and planting our asparagus crowns within the next week, and we have purchased the lamps for our seed set-up. I still need to organize all the seeds to determine what needs to be started when, and get a bit more organized about this whole thing! The veggies certainly won't grown themselves although I wish it was that easy :). We haven't built more than the original three garden beds but we're talking about ways to improve the existing design.

I could allow myself to feel like a failure when I don't accomplish everything I'd like to. I received a few books for Christmas that I can't wait to dig into; still haven't cracked the spine. I would love to try once a month cooking ever since I found the Whole Foods plan at Once a Month Mom but I'll revel in the fact that we get a healthy, homecooked meal on the table every night and eat as a family. My brain wants to run a 10K but my left knee doesn't. I'll be happy that I accomplished 4 miles last week and am not limping today...

Live in the moment. Recognize success. Celebrate small wins.

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