I haven't posted in a while, mainly because I am swamped at work and when I'm not at work I want to spend 100% of my time with my beautiful boy... I am so lucky that my husband is a phenomenal dad and that while I'm at work he is the one at home with our little one. They come to visit me at work and we have lunch at a park nearby - it's the highlight of my week and I love being able to relax at lunch with my baby. I still can't believe how big he's getting! He's now in size 2 diapers, loves to suck on his hands, talks and coos whenever he gets the opportunity and is so happy the majority of the time. His gummy smile melts my heart.

I love to see the change in my husband as well. Being the primary caregiver during the weekdays has given him a new confidence with Colin. I know it's semi-unsual for dads to be the stay at home parent, and I know how lucky we all are that they are getting this incredible bonding time.
Work is going through a global reorganization in the coming year - and our department is already starting the process. If I didn't know that my tiny department is already extremely overworked and overwhelmed I would be worried. Instead, I'm actually excited about the new possibilities that this re-org brings. While I would love to be the stay at home parent full time, if I get promoted and make enough for Chris to stay at home then it's the sensible thing for our family if I'm the one that works full-time. Anyway, it's still a bit earlier to talk about as nothing has been announced yet. However, the rumor-mill is going full strength and if they hold a minute aount of truth to them, my department is going to go through a major over-haul, my boss will be shifting to a new area and it could get interesting. I'll keep you posted...
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