So, last Wednesday the 20th we had our two month appointment with the pedi. Colin did great - he's 24 1/4 in long and weighs 11 lbs 5 oz - He's exactly five pounds higher than his birth weight!! He was 90th percentile for height, 50th for weight, and 40th for head size. I swear he's going to tower over me when he hits junior high!
We also had the two month shots, and after reading Dr. Sears' The Vaccine Book and talking to our pedi we have decided to delay a few of the vaccines. Didn't want to overload his poor little body with too much when it wasn't necessarily the right time for a vaccine. So, that being said, he got 3 shots and one oral vaccine. He hated the shots and cried (so did mommy) and was so happy when they were done. He got pretty sleepy afterwards and we gave him some baby tylenol to help.
Unfortunately I had forgotten all about the appointment when I scheduled our family photo shoot with Sara, so she came over and he was just too fussy. We tried, but when we got to the park Colin wouldn't/couldn't stop rying/screaming so we postponed it. Will most likely reschedule the shoot for after the holiday weekend.
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