Thursday brought the first real snow storm we've seen this year. I went in to work for about an hour just to grab everything I needed and proceeded to get my butt home! We ended up with 15inches at our house which meant I worked from home Thursday and Friday which was really nice. It was great not having to pump and was just fun overall to be with the hubby and poopster all day - I got to see how they spend their days which was cool.

Saturday and today have been hard - we think the poopy has a soy allergy as well as the milk protein allergy as the last two nights have been no sleep, pained cries, hard stomach and a very unhappy baby who is fighting sleep. So we're pulling back on the soy yogurt and the tofu that he had been getting and we'll see if that works. I just hate to see him in pain :(

Hubby built him a fort today, it's in our living room and poopy loves it! he can crawl around in it and hang out - he just has a ball. I'll get some video of it at some point and hopefully I can figure out how to get the video on the blog...we'll see.
Saturday and today have been hard - we think the poopy has a soy allergy as well as the milk protein allergy as the last two nights have been no sleep, pained cries, hard stomach and a very unhappy baby who is fighting sleep. So we're pulling back on the soy yogurt and the tofu that he had been getting and we'll see if that works. I just hate to see him in pain :(
Hubby built him a fort today, it's in our living room and poopy loves it! he can crawl around in it and hang out - he just has a ball. I'll get some video of it at some point and hopefully I can figure out how to get the video on the blog...we'll see.