After we returned home it was time to get ready for my return to work :(. FMLA time was up, and hubby's had started. He's now at home with the little one, and while I'm totally jealous because he's where I want to be, I'm so glad that they have this bonding time and frankly, I'm thankful that my husband actually WANTED to stay home with him. A girl I work with told me she can hardly get her husband to change a diaper. I feel sorry for her because to me, that sounds like she's a single mom - not in a partnership...
My first day back I cried the whole way to work, talked about Colin all day long, posted pics all over my desk etc. Absolutely no work was completely during that time. I'm slooooowly transitioning to do some actual work, since I have reviewed the 1313 emails that were sitting in my inbox - eek!! It's getting easier in the sense that I'm getting numb - I still cry, and it's still really hard to leave him in the morning. But, I'm thankful that he's not in daycare and that he's home with daddy, and I know they are getting such an incredible experience right now. That gets me through the day. Although I do count down the minutes until I get home to my boys.