Wow, the past two weeks have been consumed by Daffodil Days. For those of you who haven't heard about DD - it's a major fundraising campaign for the
non-profit I work for. I took over running this campaign this year, and didn't realize what I go myself into :) - it was crazy, and throughout I kept telling myself, "not doing this next way, no how". Now that it's over, I look back fondly over the experience (except the part about getting really sick right in the middle of it and not being able to take a sick-day - that part still sucks). Daffodil Days is an incredibly fun event, and this year, we added a new component to it; the First Annual Daffodil Days Tea Party. The first of it's kind in the United States and an event that took 5 major companies partnering together, took place yesterday and was a complete and utter success. We can only hope that it continues to grow each year, and I am so proud to have been a part of the first one. A year of planning really made the difference in keeping this event classy... here are a few photos from the day:

Right after the Tea I knew I needed a break - get outside, do some mountain biking or something! So, luckily I got the chance to head up hiking in Left Hand Canyon, a wonderful place just outside of Boulder that I was introduced to last summer. It is only about 30 minutes from my house, which is wonderful - and it's so incredibly beautiful and secluded. The canopy of trees ensured that we would still have plently of snow to tromp around on, even though it was a gorgeous 70degrees down the mountain :). Of course, my arthritis kicked in and reminded me that the
song is true ... I'm feeling much better after coming home and relaxing. Caught the last hour of Planet Earth, and was able to tape the first two hours. I can't wait to watch those. What an incredible documentary. Check it out on the Discovery Channel if you get a chance...