Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm back...

So, right after creating this site, I stumbled over to blog.com, and was enticed to switch over.... I made the mistake of deleting this one.... dumb move. I did not like blog.com... so, back to square one :)

I've been super busy with work these past few weeks, which has kept me up a few nights worrying over the logistical aspects of this event. I work for a major public health non-profit, and managing volunteers and annual events. One of my events is in it's homestretch which means that I'm swamped - big deadline tomorrow will take some of that off my shoulders, and then the end of March I will be able to breathe easy with it finally completed.

Being so busy at work has meant that I haven't been able to study for the GRE as much as I had hoped to, but I am getting a bit in and to be honest, the math part isn't nearly as scary as I remember it being. That's the good news. The bad news is that the GRE is already scheduled, and silly me scheduled it eactly 14 days after my event completes. I'm going to have to learn to leave work at the office a little bit better or it's going to be the hardest test ever!
I haven't given something up for Lent in many years. I used to do this back in high school, when I was much more involved with the church than I am now. But I still love the idea of bettering yourself, and making an attempt to stop doing something you know you should :) For this Lent season I changed it up a little bit. I'm giving something up, but also doing something more. I will give up chocolate and sweets (anyone who knows me knows this will be a difficult feat...but one I will be so proud of when I am successful). I was also going to start writing in a journal, but that's pretty much what this blog is....sooo.... I am going to start writing more handwritten letters. It's a lost art form; letters. Receiving one in the mail always gives me a boost. I loved receiving packages when I was in Peace Corps, but receiving a letter, one that someone sat down and wrote out, rather than typing and emailing, meant the world. We were crazy for things to read in english over there, I was reading about a book a day, the standard Newsweek from cover to cover... even the ads. But a handwritten letter from home - wow. It was incredible. So, now that I'm living in a state away from all my family, I've decided for Lent that I will begin writing (and sending!) those letters. Be it a card, or a 10 page letter, it will be something to make my family realize how much I'm thinking of them, and how much I love them. I encourage you to write letters to your friends and family, even if they live down the street. Who doesn't love to open that kind of mail?
Posted by SRC at 9:25 AM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
First Post
I've been thinking about life recently, and where it's headed for me. Certainly not the direction I thought I would be taking 5 years ago; but most definitely one that I am finally happy with. I made a big decision this past weekend; I'm going back to graduate school. I put it off for years (four years to be precise - ever since I got back from Bulgaria) and decided this weekend that enough's enough. I love everything there is about school; homework, tests, teachers, intelligent conversations, learning new and exciting things.... I could go on and on. I'm looking now at a certain program, back in my homestate, though not my hometown :). Luckily they have what is called a "Peace Corps Fellows" program, for those who are returned Peace Corps volunteers - special perks to go back to school and continue the 3rd part of the Peace Corps mission - bringing it back home. I look forward to this incredible opportunity - though not the GRE test part of it :)
Posted by SRC at 10:12 AM